Wednesday, February 25, 2015

color zombies

It's time in the semester to have the students plunge into the act of mixing paint purely for the goal of making color. We have embarked on a more complicated version than usual this semester, and the students have spent almost three weeks, (argh! not planned), mixing primaries to get a full spectrum of hues, and then mixing white, black and gray to get tints, tones and shades.
Though many of them come into the class dragging as if slaves to the palletes, they soon enough appear trance-like with their brushes and little swabs of colors and I have to loudly remind them of the end of the class period.
Tomorrow half the students will be ready to start a painting using their new skills and tool. We will do nature based designs using a harmonic, or analogous, color scheme.
I am confident that they will come to love their color wheels and I have been exhorting them to consider keeping it and taking it with them to college to help decorate their dorm rooms, and to double check the suitability of their wardrobe combinations.

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